Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Dark Queen

Tonight I was the dark queen with a little bit of the queen of hearts thrown in. As her, I wanted to control everyone and everything. All she wanted was to make everyone love her. All she wanted was sincere remorse for the pain that was caused to her. But sincere remorse is like sincere love. You cannot fabricate either one. And if you have wisdom you will see that you can no more make someone regret their wrongs than you can make them love you. It is something that can only come from one's own free will.

Speaking of free will, we all have a right to it. No one was born without it. So to take it away by trying to control them really is ripping out their heart. It really is a form of dark magic. The dark queen has to control because she doesn't believe in her own goodness. She doesn't believe in her own capacity to be worthy of love and so she must take instead of receive. But you cannot take love just as you cannot take mercy. No, love and mercy are the gifts grace bestows upon us and we may only receive.

The dark queen is an aspect of the shadow feminine within all of us. Some other aspects of the shadow feminine are the void of unexpressed love or the void turned vacuum instead of sacred creative space and the warrior who protects the little girl's heart, hardened and impenetrable.

Which aspects of the shadow feminine have you noticed in your life?

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